Sunday, 7 October 2018

ACA Question Bank

Sindalagundu post, Dindigul – 624002
1. What is Dynamic Scheduling?
2. What is Speculation?
3. What is Loop Level Parallelism.
4. Define VLIW:-
5. What is Loop Unrolling?
6. Difference between Scalar and Vector Register?
7. Define Chaining and Stribe.
8. Define Flynn’s Classification.
9. Explain the  any two Vector Instruction:-
10. Define Computer Architecture?
11. What is meant by Cache memory?
12. State Amdahl’s law:-
13. Define Response time and Throughput.
14. Distinguish between Static and Dynamic Ram:-
15. Difference between RISC and CISC?
16. Define CPI-
17. Define benchmarks.
18. Explain dependability:-
19. Find the number of dies per 300 mm (30 cm) wafer for a die that is 1.5 cm on a side and for a die that is 1.0 cm on a side
20.  What are the five trends in Computer Technology?
21.  How to find the cost of Integrated circuits?
22.  Give an example for Data dependence.
23.  What is dependability?                
24.  List the major advantages of dynamic scheduling using Tomosulo’s
25.  What is control hazard?
26.  What is meant by instruction level parallelism?
27.  What is meant by Branch penalty? 
28.  Differentiate static prediction and dynamic prediction.
29. Differentiate in-order and out-order execution
30. Differentiate GPU and CPU
31. What are the primary components of instruction set architecture of VMIPS?
List the methods for providing synchronization in threads
32. Define sequential consistency.
33. Define Symmetric Multiprocessor.
34. Differentiate Uniform and Non uniform memory access
35. Suppose you want to achieve a speedup of 80 with 100 processors. What fraction of the original computation can be sequential?
36. What is Multiprocessor cache coherence?
37. What is meant by false sharing?
38. What is meant by snooping?
39. What is meant by atomic exchange?
40. What is Multicore Architecture?
41. What are the advantages of DSM architecture?
42. What is meant by reliability and availability?
43. What is similarities and differences between SCSI and IDE.
44. List the six basic optimizations techniques of cache.
45. Types of Storage Devices.
46. Compare Software and Hardware RAID
47. What are the advantages of CMP architectures?
48. Why are design issues of SMT and CMP architecture important?
49. Write the benefits of multi core Architecture.
50. Explain the need to implement Memory as a Hierarchy?
What are the omissions in the SIMD extension instruction set?
51.  Draw the basic structure of vector architecture.
52.  What is meant by SAXPY or DAXPY?
53.  What is meant by Loop carried dependencies?
54.  What is the use of vector mask register?
55.  Draw the basic structure of centralized shared memory multiprocessor
56.  What is meant by shared, uncached and modified states in snooping protocol?
57.  What is meant by sequential consistency?
58.  List out the six basic optimizations.
59.  What is meant by RAS and CAS in DRAM?
60.  If a 15% reduction in voltage leads to 15% reduction in frequency , what would be the impact on dynamic energy and power?
61.  What is reorder buffer?
62.  What is meant by delayed branching?
63.  Use GCD test to identify if loop-carried dependency exists for the following loop:
for (i=1;i<=100;i++){

1.  How vector processor works? Explain with an example.
2.  Explain in detail about SIMD Instruction Set Extensions for Multimedia
3   Explain the concept of GPU and its instruction set architecture in detail
4.  Detect and enhance the loop level parallelism with examples
5.  Explain the basic concepts of Thread level parallelism and explain in detail about centralized shared Memory architectures with neat diagram                                        
6.  Explain the basic concepts of Thread level parallelism and explain in detail about Distributed shared Memory architectures with neat diagram
7. Explain the Performance and Energy Efficiency of the Intel Core i7 Multicore and explain the models of memory consistency                                                     
8.  Compare SMT and CMP processors and explain in detail about synchronization
9.   Explain the Compiler optimization to reduce the Miss Rate and reducing cache miss penalty
10. Explain various levels of RAID and concept of SRAM with neat diagrams
11. Explain the Hardware based speculation
12. Discuss about the multithreading.
13. Explain the limitations of ILP.
14. Draw and Explain the vector architecture
15. Discuss the performance evaluation method of different computers
16. Discuss about the Instruction Set Architecture
17. Explain the fundamentals of computer design
18. Explain the trends in technology
19. Write short notes on energy and power consumption in a Microprocessor
20. Explain the compilation techniques that can be used to   expose ILP
21. Explain in detail about cost, price and their trends
22. What is dynamic scheduling? Explain with suitable Examples the Tomasulo algorithm for MIPS processor
23. Explain the snoop based cache coherence protocol with a state diagram
24. Explain in detail about Dynamic branch prediction with Suitable examples
25. Explain the types of dependencies in ILP
26. Explain (a) Multithreading (b) Hardware Speculation
27. Discuss the salient features of vector processors
28. Discuss the salient features of the intel i7 processor
29. Discuss similarities and differences between Vector architecture and GPU’s
30. Suppose that in 1000 memory references there are 40 misses in the first-level cache and 20 misses in the second-level cache. What are the various miss rates? Assume the miss penalty from the L2 cache to memory is 200 clock cycles, the hit time of the L2 cache is 10 clock cycles, the hit time of L1 is 1 clock cycle, and there are 1.5 memory references per instruction. What is the average memory access time and average stall cycles per instruction?
31. Describe Distributed shared memory Architecture in detail
32. Write a short note on the different types of multiple issue processors
33. Explain detecting and enhancing Loop level parallelism in detail
34. Discuss and design issues in SMT and CMP Architecture
35. Explain the categories of misses and how will you reduce cache miss rate
36. Briefly describe about various raid levels with diagram
37. List and explain various I/O performance measures

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ACA answer key nov/dec 2018- Reg

Dear students, Please click the link below to get answer key for EC 6009-ACA  Nov/Dec 2018